First, a comedy sketch. Joanna was using our camera, but she was catching Aunt Saray's flash by accident. Witness the juxtaposition of Caedmon's expressions with everybody else's.
Dad's favorite way to hold Caedmon (and us when we were babies) was the football hold. Caedmon doesn't seem to like it when we try it; Dad must have a special touch.

(Grandma Martha says hi too)
Aunt Saray and the Honorable Uncle John have a new house with a dining room that is so epic that I just had to post a wide-screen shot of it. The lighting was pretty sweet too (too bad my camera's not good enough to really capture it.)
After a long day of everyone else stealing Caedmon, Joanna had to say "hey, he's mine!"
actually I was just looking for an excuse to post a really cute picture of my wife.
here we cut to earlier in our story when we were at the Hubeners'. Uncle Bob meets the little guy!
continuing with our time-reversal, we come now to thursday (Thanksgiving Day) at the Leemans'.
Caedmon and Aunt Lisa enjoy a quiet moment together ...

And then Dora comes and says "Hey guys, what's going on over here?!"
another indulgent wide shot: just click on it. do it. it's cool.

I had to post this picture in memory of Grandma Schultz. Sorry to end the post on a downer, but there is a sad beauty and poignancy in it, I think.
well, it's not last picture. I can't really think of a caption for this picture, except that it makes me smile.
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