This last weekend Joanna's grandmother Louise passed away. She never got to meet her new great-grandson Caedmon, but she did see pictures, and we knew she loved the little guy. So much so that she already had a nickname for him. I'm told that one day she declared (out of the blue) that she was going to call him "Mickey". So far no one knows where that came from. But it might stick. Except that "Mickey Rodriguez" totally sounds like the name of a baseball player. Maybe even the ultimate multi-racial baseball player.
So the weekend was hard. (It was also Caedmon's first road trip, and he did pretty well, but it was draining). But on the plus side, Caedmon got to meet a lot more of his extended family. And it was pretty amazing to see how he brought much-needed life to so many people at the wake, the funeral, and the graveyard.
Right before we headed out to Plainfield / Naperville, he was making some really cute faces, so I snapped a few pictures ...
and once we arrived ... here he is meeting Dora !

When I changed his diaper and he was screaming in agony, Dora came into the room, looking as though she was sorry for Caedmon. She looked at him with big sad eyes.
he also met these two responsible-looking gentlemen. Just minutes before this picture, they were extolling the virtues of Miracle Whip as a salad dressing. We see here the effects of their life choices.

and here's Caedmon with "Ol' Pap" Leeman
Caedmon carries the histories of his family with him. Though he never met Great-Grandma Louise until we tipped him to peak into her casket, he carries her memory with him simply by virtue of his interwoven place in this family.